New Battle Challenge Campaign and new stamp card

This week brings multiple exciting announcements and updates for Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis. Discover what awaits you from October 10th and 12th. New Challenge for or with Sephiroth? The official FFVIIEC account, via X (formerly Twitter), has just unveiled the „Sephiroth Battle Challenge Campaign.“ The event kicks off tomorrow,…


Lucky Number 7?

The number 7 is generally considered a lucky number, or with 777 you can often win the jackpot. Many old Final Fantasy fans will remember the 7777 trick. If a character has 7777 HP, he does just as much damage with every attack. Now the Japanese account of Final Fantasy…


New Story Dungeons and Materia

Today the first content update for Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis was released. Unfortunately, the story is not continued, but there are three new story dungeons. Once you can replay the scene in the prisons in the Shinra Building and explore the Logues Ruins and the Sunshin Cave on the…


Livestream and free blue crystals

14 days after release, Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis takes the next milestone. The official profile on X (formerly Twitter) announced the breaking of the 6 million download mark. This means that the game is also in the top charts of the AppStores for the second week. To celebrate, every…


2 Millionen Spieler zum Release

Square Enix hat über die offiziellen Twitterkanäle bekannt gegeben, dass innerhalb von nicht einmal 24 Stunden seit Release über zwei Millionen Menschen das Spiel installiert haben. Trotz dieser hohen Anzahl gab es bis auf technische Probleme beim Start der App auf Android Geräten keinerlei Probleme. Zur Feier dieses Erfolges gibt…
