Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis wants to be the first game that combines all the stories of the individual games and lets you replay them. Currently there are three storylines. Firstly, the original 1996 story about Cloud, Avalanche, Shinra and Sephiroth, secondly, the prequel story with the former SOLDIER first class Zack Flair and a completely new story about a group of Shinra soldiers who meet a young Sephiroth.

Final Fantasy VII

The game’s storyline follows Cloud Strife, a former mercenary who joins a group of resistance fighters to fight against the powerful mega-corporation Shinra Electric Power Company. Shinra is responsible for exploiting the world’s energy source, Mako, and thus threatens the environment.

In the course of the game, Cloud encounters a diverse group of characters, including Aerith Gainsborough, Tifa Lockhart and Barret Wallace, who all have different motives and backgrounds, but work together against Shinra and later against the dangerous super-villain Sephiroth.

So far, the game includes the first part of the story within the capital Midgar. Read more…

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Crisis Core

The storyline of „Crisis Core“ focuses on Zack Fair, an aspiring soldier of the Shinra Electric Power Company. The story starts about seven years before the events of „Final Fantasy VII“ and follows Zack’s journey from a young soldier to a true hero.

In the game you’ll learn more about the backgrounds of the characters, including Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockhart and Sephiroth, as well as the emergence of the dangerous Shinra corporation and its machinations. Zack goes on numerous missions, revealing secrets and intrigues that shape the world of „Final Fantasy VII“. Read more…

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The First Soldier

The First Soldier is the latest story expansion in the Final Fantasy VII universe. You replay the events of the 3 soldiers Glenn, Matt and Lucia. The title, however, points to Sephiroth, who becomes the strongest soldier of the Shinra Company. Since the story isn’t even finished yet, this section holds the most novelties. Here you’ll learn what has happened to the young hero troop so far. Read more…

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