New Story Dungeons and Materia

Today the first content update for Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis was released. Unfortunately, the story is not continued, but there are three new story dungeons.

Once you can replay the scene in the prisons in the Shinra Building and explore the Logues Ruins and the Sunshin Cave on the Rhadore Archipelago. These dungeons are available as Criterion Dungeons in two difficulty levels (34,100 – 64,700 Power Points) and as Crisis Dungeons with a higher difficulty level (37,000 – 133,000 Power Points), for which you will also receive higher value rewards.

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In addition to Gil, Crisis Medals, Grindstones and Blue Crystals, there are also six new Materia Recipes. For passing the Crisis Dungeon Shinra Building you get Aero Blow and Healing Esuna (Fatigue) and for the Logues Ruins you get the Materia Quake Blow and Healing Esuna (Fog). Of particular interest are the Materia Breach and Mana Breach, which you can synthesize once you complete Sunshin Cave.

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Besides the content update, there are also new missions that reward you with Dungeon Key Vouchers in addition to a total of 3000 Blue Crystals. You can use these vouchers to get Dungeon Keys for the Crisis Dungeon. The missions simply consist of consuming Stamina and successfully completing dungeons.