Crisis Core takes place a few years before the main story around the up-and-coming SOLDAT Zack Flair during the Wutai region’s uprising against Shinra and the simultaneous desertion of the famous First Class SOLDAT Genesis

Chapter 1 -The Missing SOLDIER

The chapter starts off just like the original, except this time you’re on a virtual training mission and the Midgar is under attack by Wutai rebels and a Behemoth. After you successfully complete the mission, you meet your mentor Angeal and the director of the SOLDAT unit.

Since Angeal sees a lot of potential in you, you are sent with him on a mission to Wutai. There you have to fight your way out of a forest area into a temple complex and survive a double final battle against Vajradhara Wu and Vajradhara Tai. In the process, you’ll already meet a young Yuffie, who will become more important later in the story.

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After the mission is seemingly completed successfully and you are already congratulated, new enemies appear. These are mutants who wear the face of the deserted Genesis. After an unplanned escape, you’ll have to fight the summon Ifrit at the end of the chapter.