The tower leads down deeper

Last week, there were calls that the community was waiting for new content that wasn’t just temporary events. Unfortunately, the story will not be continued again, but another challenge will be expanded.

Sealed-Tower-of-Cetra-1024x473 The tower leads down deeper

The Floors of Sealed Tower of Cetra

The Sealed Tower of Cetra was introduced right at the release of Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis, but has received little attention so far. By successfully completing the floors and the missions associated with them, you could very well collect Memory Crystals of all characters and see a little bit where the journey goes. From Floor 40 onwards, you have to fight bosses on every level and the Astral Iron Giant has been waiting for players at the end with a strength of over 180,000 Power Points.

Now the tower is expanded by another 20 levels. At the very end, there’s even a new boss opponent waiting for us: the Primal Behemoth, which is a stronger form of the previous Behemoth. We are curious to see how the fight against him will go.

New Campaign only for the strongest gamers

Square Enix promotes the expansion of the Sealed Tower of Cetra not only with an additional challenge, but also up to 50 Draw Tickets, which you can obtain through special campaign missions. These consist of upgrading weapons, for which you need the corresponding Weapon Parts, and successfully completing the new floors.

Sealed-Tower-of-Cetra-1024x473 The tower leads down deeper

However, these have a recommended strength of 190,000 Power Points and more, so a lot of players won’t even be able to enjoy these rewards because they haven’t even successfully completed Floor 50.

That’s a shame, and Square Enix isn’t doing itself any favors by only targeting power players or whales.