Black Waltz in FF IX Crossover Event

The first big crossover event in Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis has started. Square Enix has released a special trailer and the event runs twice as long as its two predecessors, but it still lacks a bit of fun. Find out why here.

Play as Vivi, Zidane and Amaranth

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As you’ve already seen in the trailer, Cloud gets an outfit and sword in the style of Zidane, the main character from the ninth installment. Tifa does not get a female outfit from Zidane, but her outfit Amaranths Cruise and weapon Amaranths Claw are derived from Amaranth Coral. This character is less known, as he is not only not one of the main characters of Final Fantasy IX, but is even optional and his skills were not among the best, so that he was not played much in the original for the Playstation 1.

Now that the event is live, however, there are still several outfits available. By playing the event battles and completing the missions, you can acquire the Vivi’s Magical Gun and Vivi’s Garb for Lucia. The little black mage is one of the mascots of Final Fantasy IX and Lucia causes magical fire damage to all enemies with the C.Abiliity Fira Surge A.

In the prologue to the event, you can also see Sephiroth dressed up as Kuja, which is very obvious as both are the antagonists in the respective part. Aerith is also wearing a dress of Princess Garnet.

Story in small segmets.

As expected, the crossover event begins with a dialog. The fight against Black Waltz 1,2 and 3 then starts without much explanation. This fight is repeated several times and that’s all the event has to offer so far. The widely announced event therefore not only offers standard fare, but even less content than the last two events.

On the other hand, this event will last four weeks into December. So there will be at least 2, maybe even 4 extensions to the event. However, it remains to be seen how the story will be continued. In any case, it would be a great disappointment if the story of Final Fantasy IX is not continued at all.

Fight the Black Waltz

The trailer already gave it away. In the event, you don’t fight against one enemy, but against a whole trio. While you fought one Black Waltz after the next in the original game, here you face all three.

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Black Waltz 1 and Black Waltz 2 pose no threat whatsoever. You just have to watch out for the Triple Waltz attack when all three opponents are still alive. Then they attack simultaneously with Thunder, Fire and Ice and deal magic damage to all allies.

The Black Waltz 3 has its own attack mechanics. In addition to the normal attacks, it also has a rampage mode. Then his physical and magic defense drops and after a short time he freezes an opponent, which is similar to Reno’s pyramid. This character can do nothing and is then attacked with the magic wand from Black Waltz 3.

Otherwise, he has a flight mode, during which he is almost immune to physical attacks. You must therefore use magic to lower the bar above his head. It is also advisable to leave the summons at home and equip the classic limits that cause physical damage.

Defeating the Black Waltz will give you Peridot and Black Feather, which you can exchange for rewards. A special feature of the crossover event is that you will receive bonus materials if you wear the weapons and outfits of the characters from Final Fantasy IX.

We are excited to see how the event continues and are hoping for a little more than what Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis has to offer so far.