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Although FFVII Ever Crisis has many more expansions to come, the Astral Iron Giant is the strongest boss in the entire game so far, and even a max level 50 party stands little to no chance against this giant.

Helm-Splitter-1024x473 Astral Iron Giant

The Astral Iron Giant can only be encountered in the Sealed Tower of the Cetra so far. The first time is on stage 30 and it recommends th have 122,500 Power Points. The first time you reach this stage, you will have a party strength of 85,000 – 100,000. In the last level of the Tower of the Cetra, even 183,250 points are estimated, which is probably impossible to achieve with the previous maximum level.

The Astral Iron Giant has not only a high fighting power, but also very hard resistances. So he has no weakness and is resistant to every element. The Summons even partially do only 1 point of damage! So you have to work on him with non-elemental physical and magic attacks, e.g. the Energy Laser of the Max Ray for Barret.

Astral-Iron-Giant-Summon-1024x473 Astral Iron Giant

The boss also increases his PHY ATK with Bravery and relies mainly on physical attacks. There is the Helm Splitter, which goes against one ally and which you only have to survive. Much more dangerous is the attack Giant Sword, which goes against all characters and can wipe you out completely. Here it is recommended to level up to Materia Barrier and the weapon Mythril Rod from Aerith. The Ability Saving Grace is just right here to survive the attacks of the Astral Iron Giant.

Weakness: nothing

Resistance: Fire, Water, Ice, Thunder, Earth, Aero