This Summons could be added in the future

Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis claims to be the ultimate compendium of the entire Final Fantasy VII universe. A core element of Final Fantasy are the Summons, of which there are only three so far. So the question is what the future will bring and which Summons will still be added to the game.

The six elements

FFVIIEC was expanded within a month with a story chapter and a playable character. Up until last week there was a small event around co-op battles against the Fire Devil Ifrit, but otherwise Summons are getting very little attention from Square Enix so far, but that could change very quickly.

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So far, there are only the three Summons Ifrit, the Fire Demon; Shiva, the Ice Princess; and Ramuh, the Thunder God. Each summon represents an element and brings two strong LIMITs that inflict elemental damage. For the elements wind, earth and water, however, there is nothing comparable yet. This is also noticeable when looking for strategies against the bosses and not finding a suitable element, for example against the Gallonbaloir.

Which ones could come next?

Assuming that summons will be released for the missing three elements, two monsters are definitely fixed. That’s the sea serpent Leviathan and the giant Titan. Both of them would fit well into the game.

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Titan’s Anger of the Lands attack, as he lifts and knocks over a huge floor slab, and Leviathan’s Tidal Wave animate very well and could do damage against one or more enemies.

Typhon as Wind Summon

More difficult is the question of which summon covers the wind element, as there is no summon in the original Final Fantasy VII that deals wind damage. Instead, there is Typhon, a summon that is assigned to the aero element. So you could pair Typhon with Materia Elemental Support in the weapon or armor slot to inflict wind damage or become more resistant to it. Typhon itself deals fire, ice, lightning and earth damage with its Disintegration attack. Also, Typhon is one of the optional summons that you don’t get through the story and you have to visit the Ancient Forest specifically. Of course, the Ancient Forest is also a cool theme for a future event.

Typhon-FF7-original-1024x577 This Summons could be added in the future

Several non-elemental summons

Besides the Summons that deal elemental damage, there are of course some that have non-elemental attacks. There are even several of them. Four summons in particular stand out.

There’s Chocobo or Fat Chocobo, which is the first summon you get in the original Final Fantasy VII. In addition, the Chocobo Farm, where you get the Materia, is already integrated into the game, and Chocobo is one of the mascots of the game series, along with Mogry and Tomberry.

Another possibility would be the Germanic god Odin on his horse Sleipnir. Odin is one of the permanent representatives of the game series and was only recently introduced as part of Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth. Actually, Odin cuts normal opponents in two with a sword stroke and immediately leads to victory. It would be interesting if Odin has the same power in Ever Crisis.

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Besides the Chocobo, Tonberry is another important part of Final Fantasy. Its cute appearance shouldn’t hide its strength, and it deals high damage with its kitchen knife. In Tonberry’s favor is the fact that Beach Festival Fun already existed, so the design for Tonberry exists.

The final summon would of course be Bahamut or in particular NEO-Bahamut or Zero-Bahamut. The mighty dragon was already in Final Fantasy VII Remake and has attacks against one or more enemies. It would therefore fit perfectly into the concept of Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis.