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Cloud’s story quest begins immediately after the events of Crisis Core. Although Cloud is still scarred by injuries, he is conscious and wearing Zack’s Mastersword, which previously belonged to Angeal. When he arrives in Midgar, the locals view him skeptically, mistaking him for a stranded man who has lost control of his life.

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Cloud wanders the streets aimlessly and loses faith in the meaning of his existence. But suddenly Tifa, his childhood friend from Nibelheim, happens to cross his path. At this moment Cloud literally comes to life, however, his schizophrenia also begins and he mixes his own memories with those of Zack. He falsely identifies himself as a former SOLDIER First Class.

While the initial conversations between Tifa and Cloud are superficial and lethargic, Tifa decides to take Cloud to her bar. There, amidst familiar surroundings, a journey of self-discovery begins for Cloud. There, Cloud decides to work as a mercenary, as he is well trained in combat, survival techniques, etc.


Here the backstory is told of how Tifa came to Barret and the resistance organization AVALANCHE.

After she moves away from Nibelheim and ends up in the slums of Midgar, she works as a saleswoman at a simple snack stand and continues to train her skills as a martial arts fighter.

One day the group of Jessi, Biggs and Wedge are customers at her place and they get along right away and also do something together in private. Especially with Jessi Tifa gets along right away, but is warned after a short time that these are criminals.

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However, when she accidentally learns that Shinra is planning a strike against the group, Tifa finally decides to join her new friends and sides with Jessi & Co against the Shinra soldiers, officially becoming a part of Avalanche.


The flashback of Aerith deals with different periods in her life. First, she is shown living with her birth mother, Ilfana, and being watched by SHINRA and the Turks even then. Aerith is even imprisoned at times, and it is revealed that she was held in the same prison cell where she later serves time with Cloud, shortly after he rescues her.

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Although she is able to escape from the headquarters with Ilfana, this rescue operation probably ends tragically with the loss of her mother. Aerith is then placed in the care of Elmyra, who takes care of her from then on. Nevertheless, even her life in the slums does not lead to normalcy, as the Turks under Tseng track her down. Additionally, it is shown how Aerith was already active in the church in the past and helped fellow students who were attacked by monsters.

Tseng stays near her all the time and protects her. When Aerith has a picnic with her biological and foster mother in her mind, she also offers food to Tseng, although she will never work with Shinra.