New Crisis Core Dungeon & Materia Debrave

After the only story expansion in Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis so far was released a few weeks ago and Sunshin Cave is already available as a Criterion Dungeon and a Crisis Core Dungeon, today Cawpine Caverns was added as a Crisis Core Dungeon.

Cawpine-Cavern-1024x473 New Crisis Core Dungeon & Materia Debrave

The Mole Machines

As always, there are two difficulty levels for the dungeon. In normal mode, you’ll end up going up against the Mole Crawler, and depending on your Crisis level, the power is between 44,300 and 78,700, which shouldn’t be a problem for most players.

As a reward for successfully completing it, you will receive the new Materia Debrave, which deals light MATK damage and lowers the PATK of the enemy. This is especially useful against physical bosses like the Astral Iron Giant if you haven’t leveled up a weapon that can lower PATK like Tifa’s Omnistrike.

Debrave-Materia-1024x473 New Crisis Core Dungeon & Materia Debrave

The second round is much harder. At one point, at least 90,200 Power Points are expected and at the end you have to fight against the Zetant Ratel. For a perfect run you will receive up to 25 Myhtril Ore, which is currently the rarest and most sought-after material in Ever Crisis.