Critical Threat – Sephiroth Event start tomorrow

As reported last week, the next real event called Critical Threat: Sephiroth – The Arrival will start just in time for the weekend, on Oct. 6.

Cloud_vs_Sephiroth-1024x473 Critical Threat - Sephiroth Event start tomorrow

You will probably fight against a stronger and stronger version of Sephiroth, just like at Beach Festival Fun. Besides Draw Tickets, you can also win Weapon Parts and Memory Crystals for the young Sephiroth. There will also the exclusive weapon Torn Wing for the young Sephiroth. This weapon is good for strengthening your Physical Defense if you are still weak.

Torn-Wing-1024x473 Critical Threat - Sephiroth Event start tomorrow

Fight for draw Tickets

This event consists of fights in single player as well as in co-op mode against Sephiroth. Sephiroth has no weaknesses worth mentioning and attacks with powerful sword attacks. You should be especially wary of his Octaslash. With this attack, he attacks an ally with eight sword strokes and can send the ally straight to the afterlife.

In addition, there are event missions and daily missions. These consist of spending up to 500 Stamina per day. As a reward you will receive silver victory draw tickets and standard victory draw tickets.

Hit the jackpot

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With these special Draw Tickets you can participate in a raffle. This in turn is divided by type of Draw Ticket and by level. Per level there are normal prizes and special prizes and the jackpot, the weapon Torn Wings. You must have drawn a certain number of special prizes to increase the level of the raffle. Unfortunately, at the maximum level there are 7 prizes like Nanocube II or the Genome Pod Y, but the really rare materials are missing.