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Zetant-Ratel-Boss-1024x473 Zetant Ratel

Having recently been introduced in the Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis story expansion, the Mole Crawler has been added to the Zetant Ratel co-op battles as part of the weekly boss rotation.

This one differs not only visually with its darker, earth-colored paint job, but also with its attacks and elements. While the Mole Crawler was vulnerable to Thunder, the Zetant Ratel itself attacks with Thunder and is also resistant to it. Especially dangerous is his attack Prismatic Ray. This one has to be charged up first, but it can’t be blocked. The boss shoots a huge laser at an ally, causing magical lightning damage. If you don’t have any resistances against it or your health is too low, this can quickly mean the end.

Prismatic-Ray-1024x473 Zetant Ratel

Otherwise, you should counter it yourself with magic attacks and Materia. Besides the known weakness against Quake, Water helps this time. Also, the boss is vulnerable to two Sigils, so you can easily put him into the interrupted state:

Resistance: Thunder, Aero

Weakness: Quake, Water