The Beach Festival Fun is extended

Surprisingly, Beach Festival Fun has been expanded, and as of today, the Yellow Watermelon Tonberry has appeared, bringing with it additional rewards. This opportunity will last until September 29.

During this period, you’ll have the chance to challenge its yellow variant in addition to the regular Watermelon Tonberry. The Yellow Watermelon Tonberry has the same appearance as the Armored Scorpion and is just as vulnerable to water attacks. It is worth noting that as of this week, the Maritime Sword for Cloud is available with a powerful water attack.

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The Tonberry can increase its attack power through Concentration, which should be prevented by offensive countermeasures. Otherwise, the Yellow Watermelon Tonberry can become so powerful that it will take you out with a single attack and the fight will be over quickly. You should collect at least 40,000 Power Points to defeat the first stage of the event opponent.

As a reward, you’ll receive Yellow Mega Watermelons, which, in addition to the usual enhancement materials, will allow you to purchase a new weapon for Glenn: the Thousand Waves, which allows Glenn MAG to deal non-elemental damage against a single target.

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To complete the event, it is recommended to get at least one copy of this weapon. Otherwise, the Memory Crystals might be of more interest to Glenn and Aerith.

It is advisable to use the event daily and defeat both the Normal and Yellow Watermelon Tonberry once per day, activating the Stamina Boost to complete the event’s daily quest in a single fight.

The Lifesavers you get on the side can be used to purchase the rare Nanocube Model II and Genome Pod Y, which are needed to boost weapons at higher levels and can take up a lot of time.