Halloween&Pumpkin – First Seasonal Event

Autumn is here. The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer. After Zack was still a month ago on the beach of the Costa del Sol, starts from tomorrow, the 19th October, the spooky Halloween event. To participate in the event, you must have completed „The Destruction…


New Battle Challenge Campaign and new stamp card

This week brings multiple exciting announcements and updates for Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis. Discover what awaits you from October 10th and 12th. New Challenge for or with Sephiroth? The official FFVIIEC account, via X (formerly Twitter), has just unveiled the „Sephiroth Battle Challenge Campaign.“ The event kicks off tomorrow,…


New Stamp Card Gear

With some surprise, Square Enix announced the closure of the first Stamp card, which included special weapons and outfits for Cloud and Barret, including the legendary sword Mursame and the Heavy Hauser. At the same time, a brand new stamp card was introduced, this time for Cloud and Aerith. Thematically,…
