New Story Dungeons and Materia

Today the first content update for Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis was released. Unfortunately, the story is not continued, but there are three new story dungeons. Once you can replay the scene in the prisons in the Shinra Building and explore the Logues Ruins and the Sunshin Cave on the…


Livestream and free blue crystals

14 days after release, Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis takes the next milestone. The official profile on X (formerly Twitter) announced the breaking of the 6 million download mark. This means that the game is also in the top charts of the AppStores for the second week. To celebrate, every…


When will Sephiroth be playable as a character?

„Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis“ launched with nine playable characters, and from the beginning the question was asked if and when Sephiroth will be playable in the game. You won’t find out the answer to this question until the end of the story, but beware, there are spoilers! After playing…


The Beach Festival Fun is extended

Surprisingly, Beach Festival Fun has been expanded, and as of today, the Yellow Watermelon Tonberry has appeared, bringing with it additional rewards. This opportunity will last until September 29. During this period, you’ll have the chance to challenge its yellow variant in addition to the regular Watermelon Tonberry. The Yellow…


New Stamp Card Gear

With some surprise, Square Enix announced the closure of the first Stamp card, which included special weapons and outfits for Cloud and Barret, including the legendary sword Mursame and the Heavy Hauser. At the same time, a brand new stamp card was introduced, this time for Cloud and Aerith. Thematically,…


Higher Chance to encounter rare Enemy Cactuar

Without further detailed explanation, in Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis the Cactuars were introduced in different variants, namely normal, metallic and golden. These unique creatures can appear in any battle and have the ability to significantly increase the rewards in the form of loot and experience points that you get…


Two anniversaries at once

Today, Final Fantasy is celebrating twice and has gifts in store for its fans. First, Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis has reached the impressive mark of five million copies. Second, today marks the 16th anniversary of the release of the original Crisis Core for the PlayStation Portable. Last year, to…


Alle Infos zum Beach Festival Fun

Während sich hier der Sommer langsam verabschiedet, hält er seit heute in Final Fantasy Ever Crisis Einzug. Hier gibt es alle Infos zum Beach Festival Fun. Ab an den Strand Vom 11. September bis Anfang Oktober könnt ihr an dem Event teilnehmen, das euch gemeinsam mit Zack, Cloud, Tifa und…


Das erste Event startet und zwar sehr bald

FF7EC ist seit wenigen Tagen verfügbar und vielen sollte der Menüpunkt Events aufgefallen sein, der bisher ohne Inhalt war. Sehr kurzfristig und ohne große Ankündigung hat Square Enix bekannt gegeben, dass bereits ab morgen das erste Event starten wird und zwar das Beach Volleyball Event. Laut Trailer wird man mit…


Neue Version behebt Fehler und noch mehr Spieler

3 Million Download

Der Release von Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis war nahezu ein Release wie es im Bilderbuch steht, jedoch nicht für einige Besitzer eines Android Smartphones. Diese hatten direkt beim Starten der App Probleme und es kam sofort zu Abstürzen. Square Enix hat nun die neuste Version 1.0.7 veröffentlicht, die das…
