Halloween&Pumpkin – First Seasonal Event

Autumn is here. The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer. After Zack was still a month ago on the beach of the Costa del Sol, starts from tomorrow, the 19th October, the spooky Halloween event. To participate in the event, you must have completed „The Destruction of Mako Reactor 5 in Chapter 1 Main Section 3 Episode 1“ in the story. The event lasts 14 days and ends on November 02.

Where Darkness Gathers

The official name of the upcoming event is „Pumpkin Fest – Where Darkness Gathers“ and a picture of the next outfit for Aerith has already been shown. It’s a Chocobo costume, which is more suitable for carnival than for a spooky Halloween, but who knows how Square Enix celebrates Halloween. Fittingly, there’s also a new weapon for Aerith in the form of the Chocobo Staff, which is a bit of a shame since the Princess outfit was only introduced two weeks ago. We would have found new costumes for Lucia or Tifa more fitting.

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Defeat the Dark Army Leader

It’s hard to assume that the event is structured in the same way as Beach Festival Fun. You fight against opponents of varying strength and receive the temporary resources Pumpkin Candy and Dorky Lantern in return. These can be redeemed in the store for Enhancement Material, Memory Crystals or more Chocobo Staff.

It is particularly pleasing that this time 5-star material has made it into the reward list. For example, for 500 Pumpkin Candys you can get the very rare Synth Catayst, which you need to synthesize high-grade Materia.

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The special boss of this event is the Dark Army Leader, an oversized pumpkin ghost. The enemy is known to those who know the game series from Nibelheim, where the Season Event is also set. The Dark Army Leader has the ability to summon support, which he does several times in battle. In addition, he attacks mainly with magical attacks. Glacial Breath and Maleficent Surge are especially dangerous, as they hit all allies and can cause a lot of damage in the high difficulty levels. In combination with a high attack density, you can hardly keep up with healing. As a flying enemy, the Dark Army Leader is particularly vulnerable to wind and aero.

New Outifts for Cloud and Sephiroth

Matching the boss and the end of the Sephiroth event, there is a new Stamp Card. This time it comes with weapons and outfits for Cloud and Sephiroth that look really stylish and menacing and remind a bit of Raiden from the Metal Gear series.

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For Cloud, there is the Bandaged Sword, which increases your MDEF and heals a bit. Additionally, the R.Abilities increase HP and resistance to ice damage. Sephiroth takes over the offensive part against the Dark Army Leader and his sword Dark Heaven causes strong wind damage with the Ability Gale Strike. The R.Abilities also increase the PATK and the wind damage. With the matching outfit Dark Harbringer this damage is increased even more.

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