Competitve Event Dungeon Ranking has started

It’s only been four days since young Sephiroth was introduced, and few players should have completed the co-op battle against Ifrit and the associated rewards and missions. Nevertheless, the developer is directly hosting the next event.

Bombing Mission on Speed

The event differs from all previous events in that you will have to move around the temporary Crisis Core dungeon „Maco Reactor I“, find chests and defeat several bosses. Unlike the other Crisis Core dungeons, this one has two difficulty levels instead of three.

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In order for you to even participate in the event, you must have already unlocked the Crisis Core dungeons. This happens as soon as you have completed Crisis Core FFVII Chapter 1 – Main Sector 3 – Episode 6 in the story. The first dungeon should then be easy for any player to complete, as a power between 13,900 and 30,500 is recommended for the enemies. The second dungeon is also easy for players in the endgame or with a party at the maximum level 50. More difficult is the last dungeon Very Hard. Once the minimum requirement here is 64,700 power points and the hardest opponent, Reno of the Turks, is waiting for you with a strength of 194,700 points! If you want to achieve the highest score, you must defeat him.

HIghscore und Rewards

In Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis you can have up to 50 friends and play in co-op battles, but otherwise it is a pure single player game. With this event, players first compete against each other in a competitive mode and try to reach the highest rankings on a high score.

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For the completion of the Crisis Core dungeon there are the usual rewards, consisting of Blue Crystals, Gil, Grindstone and Materia Booster. Your achieved score will then be recorded on a leaderboard. At the end of the event, on October 9, the leaderboard will be revealed. Square Enix will check this list for cheaters and correctness and on October 10th the players with the highest ranking will be announced on the social media platforms and given their additional winnings.

The best players from 1501 and below will receive Draw Tickets. From 1500 to 101 will receive additional Materia Synthesis Catalysts. The best players 11-100 will receive the title „Mako Reactor I: High Rank“ and the very best player will receive the award „Mako Reactor I: Highest Rank“ , which he or she may wear in his or her profile.

It will be exciting to see who will climb the high score and how many points the best players will reach, but how do you reach a high high score at all?

Tips for a Top Highcore

The high score for the Dungeon Result is made up of several components. These are:

  • Total Battle Score: This score is calculated at the end of each battle. We’ll go over the battles again below.
  • Dungeon Clear Bonus: The name is clear. You need to successfully complete the dungeon to get any significant high score at all
  • Boss Takedown Bonus: In each Crisis dungeon there is an Edn opponent and several optional boss fights. Some block your way to a chest and some are really just standing off to the side. It goes without saying, however, that you’ll need to take down all of the bosses in order to achieve a high score. Unfortunately, the difficulty level increases with each defeated boss. In return, you also get a passive bonus, which you can choose yourself.
  • Unused Item Bonus: Sometimes you have to use healing potions, but consider if you might make it through the next fight without. In addition, there are items to fill up the limits or ATB bars. You should do without these items and you will be rewarded with additional points.
  • Extra Bonus
  • Speed Run Bonus: Before starting a dungeon, take a look at the map. Where are dead ends and where are chests? You should not take any additional paths and defeat the enemies as quickly as possible.
  • Score Buff Bonus: When you defeat a boss, you can receive a buff to your high score. In return, you also get a malus on your stats and resistances. You should only choose the score buff if you can defeat the enemies without any problems.

Many Bossfights

The Battle Score is determined by how well you did in the battle. This includes your maximum damage with one attack, how much damage you took, how long the battle lasted, how many sigils you destroyed and how often you exploited the opponent’s weakness.

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So you should go into the fight well prepared. The boss fights include Red Dragon, Fiery Condor, Queen Grashstrike, SOLDIER: Third Class, Behemoth, Scorpion Sentinel and Reno. Except for the SOLDIER.Third Class, all opponents are weak against Ice. So it is fitting that with Sephiroth an ice affine fighter was introduced and the current Stamp Card targets it. In addition, Shiva causes a lot of damage and helps you with the max damage.