Challenge Ifrit in Co-op Battles

You are busy with the growth of your characters and had no time or desire to take care of your Summons? Then there are now the right missions for you.

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In addition to the introduction of Sephiroth, a two-week campaign will be launched at the same time to take a closer look at Ifrit. Besides the usual three enemies that rotate weekly in the coop, there is Ifrit as an additional fight from 20th septembre to 6th october.
For the easiest level you need 11,000 power and for the hardest 60,000 power points are recommended. To win, besides the weapon Ifrit`s Sword for Zack Flair, there are the coveted Ifrit’s Memory Crystals, which you need en masse to make Ifrit stronger and raise the level of his limits.
To unlock the Hellfire limit, you need to level up Radiant Plume to 5, which requires hundreds of Ifrit Memory Crystals.

Additionally, there are campaign missions for defeating Ifrit in co-op. If you defeat Ifrit 50 times, you will receive a total of 1500 Blue Crystals, which can be used for new draws for the young Sephiroth, among other things.

Taking Ifrit as the first summon in a mini-event makes sense from the developers for several reasons. At one point in Crisis Core’s story, you first encounter Sephiroth when you’re in Wutai with Zack Flair to defeat a resistance castle. On the way back, Ifrit gets in your way and Sephiroth comes to your rescue. In Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis, young Sephiroth is treated as an Ice affine fighter. Thus, through the current Stamp Card, you will once receive the Edged Wings sword and the Edged Wings Training Garb, which inflicts and boosts ice damage respectively. This way, you can also fight Ifrit in co-op with young Sephiroth, although this is not mandatory.

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Also, you will unlock Ifrit first in the course of the game. While Shiva will also be represented quite well, Ramuh is still rather rare, since the player already needs a party on the MaxLevel for this. Co-op battles also allow you to defeat Ifrit more often, since the requirements are lower and you can play together with other, stronger players.

Unfortunately, you can’t fight at double speed in coop and you also lose time due to the lobby and everyone’s confirmation.
In order not to lose even more time, you should attach importance to an effective combat equipment. This concerns weapons with ice abilities, for example the Enhance Sword with Blizzaga A for Cloud or the currently advertised Edged Wings with Aerial Frostblade for Sephiroth. Of course, you shouldn’t neglect the defense either, since Ifrit deals strong fire damage especially on the higher levels. On the other hand, we recommend Prototype Crimson Blade for Sephiroth or Rage Collar for Red XIII or Flame Projector for Barret. These weapons increase your resistance to fire.

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