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Shiva, the Ice Queen, is the counterpart of the fierce firebug Ifrit, also a classic in the world of Final Fantasy and the second summon you’ll encounter in Ever Crisis.

Unlike Ifrit, you won’t encounter Shiva during the main story, but exclusively through the solo summoning quests. For the first fight against her, you should have at least 45,000 Power Points and equip your weapons with fire attacks, such as the Flame Projector. Besides, it is advisable to use the Materia „Fire“ and bring it to the maximum level. Before the battle, it would also be wise to unlock and equip Ifrit as a summon.

Flame-Projector-1024x473 Shiva

As befits Shiva, she attacks mainly with icy attacks. Her special attack called „Ice Age“ can cause devastating damage and has an indicator that shows its use. When you attack Shiva with fire attacks, this attack weakens and you can temporarily inflict a fire penalty on her to cause even more damage. At this exact moment, you should activate Limits and Ifrit’s summon.

After you defeat Shiva the first time, she will be available to you as a summon, and you can unlock her. All you have to do is use some Stamina and synthesize Materia.

Shiva-Summon-1024x473 Shiva

Resitance: Ice

Weakness: Fire