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After the Sentinel Scorpion and the Assault Scorpion, the Armored Scorpion is the third spider boss you can challenge in Ever Crisis. The striking yellow coloration already indicates that this is a boss with an affinity for lightning.

Armored-Scorpion-1024x473 Armored Scorpion

The outstanding features of this boss are, firstly, the powerful Tail Laser A, which can hit all allies, and its remarkable defensive ability. The counter element to Lightning is generally known to be Water, and it is against this element that the Scorpion can successfully counter with its Water Wall ability, increasing its PHY DEF, MAG DEF, and WATER RESTIANCE to compensate for its Weakness. This definitely drags out the fight. Additionally, he starts the fight with a Wall to take little damage right from the start.

After the Scorpion has used the Tailer Laser A, his DEF is sometimes lowered, which can also be seen in his posture. Now you should use all Limits and Abilities

Armored-Scorpion-broken-1024x473 Armored Scorpion

Weakness: Water

Resistance: Thunder