All Infos about Sephiroth

With the expansion of The First Soldier’s story, the range of playable characters has been expanded to include the young Sephiroth. Many fans would have liked to see the adult Sephiroth that we know from the games or the movie Final Fantasy VII: The Advent Children.

Nevertheless, the young Sephiroth is also very stylish and brings new tactical possibilities to the game with his new abilities and limits. In return, however, the grind and leveling up is also expanded. Therefore, here is all the information about the young Sephiroth.

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How do I unlock the young Sephiroth?

The update of Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis to version 1.10 expands the game. All you have to do is download the latest version from the Appstore. When you start the game, content data is downloaded once again. As soon as you log in, the young Sephiroth is directly in your party. Unfortunately, the update to version 1.1.0 was accompanied by numerous bugs and issues, and many games couldn’t even log in after days. Unfortunately, the problem was not limited to specific smartphones, operating system versions or the like.

Do I even have to play it?

Yes, even if you don’t like young Sephiroth, you have to deal with him. The 5th chapter of The First Soldier deals with him and the group around Glenn, Matt and Lucia on the Rhadore Archipelago. Already from the third fight, a power of 65,000 is recommended and Sephiroth is the only mandatory member in this fight. So you’ll have to reach about level 45 with him and have appropriate equipment.

At what level does Sephiroth start?

If your main party has the current maximum level of 50 and the other characters are running along a bit and are at about 30, Sephiroth is unfortunately even lower, at about level 24, making him the weakest member of the party.

and what about the equipment?

Here, unfortunately, he starts even worse and has the equipment of a level 1 char. For the expansion, however, there are a number of free Blue Crystals, new missions and you should hopefully have saved up some Blue Crystals in the last few days. There is a new Stamp Card for Sephiroth and Lucia. So you should be able to get 5 star weapons quickly. You can read which weapons are recommended here.

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How do I get stronger quickly?

There are two ways to make Sephiroth stronger: One is his level and the other is his equipment.

To level him up, it is recommended to grind the training quest „Character EXP 5“. Once a limited promotion is currently running that all characters from The First Soldier get 30% additional EXP and even if Sephiroth is weak, two strong chars can defeat the Scorpion Sentinel as a boss. Level 35 is reached very quickly and you unlock new nodes around Character Stream and can push the stats additionally. From then on you can switch the hard level „Character EXP 6“ and the rest is suffering dull grind, which requires many dozens of runs. Hopefully you’ll get some Cactuars for additional experience.

Even harder will be the weapons. Hopefully you’ll have luck drawing weapons for Sephiroth. Campaign missions and leveling up will give you additional draw tickets only for Sephiroth`s weapons. Once you have settled on two weapons, the goal is to enhance them to level 70. For level 80 you need Mythril Ore, which is very rare.

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So here you have to do the typical Weapon Quests and also the daily Premium Quest. Here we recommend the „LV Uncap – Nanocube 3“ against Motor Ball. The recommendet power is 96,700, but he can also be easily defeated with a power below 90,000.

How do I unlock the limits?

Just like with the other characters. You just have to use him in battle and, among other things, use his first limit attack Astral Gate 20 times to unlock the Ardent Flare.